Poem Archive
Jimmy's Rainbow in the Sky
February 3, 1999
Life and Future
January 17, 1999 |
Who Am I, What Do I Have
January 18, 1999 |
Growing Together Again
January 25, 1999 |
Breaking Up
February 23, 1999 |
Holding On To A Broken Heart
June 12, 1999 |
A Birthday Wish For Mom
September 30, 1999 |
Just for Today
December 20, 1999 |
January 1, 2000 |
My Best Friend
January 6, 2000 |
Letting Go
January 6, 2000 |
My Heart Out of the Dark
January 6, 2000 |
Where do I go
January 16, 2000 |
My Heart is Aching, If Only in the Past
January 18, 2000 |
Self Talk
January 21, 2000 |
"My Dog General"
January 22, 2000 |
Letting in the Help
February 29, 2000 |
A Light Shining
February 14, 2000 |
Holding on to Faith and Love
February 23, 2000 |
Pieces of a Whole
June 17, 2000 |
>Prayers and Tears, Love From Above
June 19, 2000 |
Tree Sky and Life
June 19, 200 |
Veterans of Life and War
August 19, 2000 |
Troubled Together
August 19, 2000 |
Can I Face You?
September 1, 2000 |
He's My Life
September 1, 2000 |
Reaching The Dream of Love For Me
September 16, 2000 |
Pain: Memories of Life
October 16, 2000 |
Silenced on Easter No More
November 3, 2000 |
Listen To Me
November 3, 2000 |
Mourning Love Lost
December 28, 2000 |
Longing For Another Day
December 28, 2000 |
Serratedly Torn
January 5, 2001 |
Retire Tenure
January 2, 2001 |
Relationship Negative To Positive
January 8, 2001 |
Anxious Growth
January 8, 2001 |
Moving Past You
January 11, 2001 |
I Thought You Should Know
January 11, 2001 |
Symbolic Suicide
January 12, 2001 |
My Armless Body
January 12, 2001 |
The Watcher
January 15, 2001 |
The Universal Man
January 14, 2001 |
But We're Friends
January 15, 2001 |
I Love You
January 15, 2001 |
Until...Always Until
April 4, 2001 |
Love: Ever Missing Jay
February 16, 2001 |
Walking Away
May 12, 2001 |
Playing The Part
April 4, 2001 |
Children On The Clock
June 20, 2001 |
Forever Missed
May 30, 2001 |
| |
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Please take the time to visit the homepage for the very special pet often referrenced in these poems. http://hometown.aol.com/morningflame00/generalswebpag.html Thanks again.
Michelle Poet
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Visitors since 1/16/2001
Site born on 1/14/00
Last updated: 9/11/11
Waves of Emotions Poems poetry Boston Massachusetts rottweiler dog inspire depression angst mother poems, poem, poet "Web published poetry" "Web published poetry" web self published poem poem poetry woman women homeless city angst poem poetry web poet "web poet" "waves of emotions" Michelle Michellepoet "Michelle Poet" web poet